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“I’m pregnant…”

1019-800How will you react when your friend finds out she’s pregnant?

An unplanned pregnancy can be scary. She needs to know she is not alone. She can get through this, and you will be there to help along the way.

Here’s how you can help your friend, family member or girlfriend know she’s not alone:

What to do:

- Talk with her and listen to her. Ask her how she’s feeling and listen for ways you can help. Be there for her. Sometimes, the best way to help is to just be with her.
- Talk with the people who care for her. Offer to help her tell her parents, the child’s father, or other family members who need to know she’s pregnant. Listen for ways you can help her think through who to tell and when.
- Learn about where she can go for help during her unplanned pregnancy. She has options, and there are organizations near her who can help. You can find those on OptionLine.org and even help her make an appointment.

What not to do:

- Don’t shame her. She may already feel guilty, embarrassed, or ashamed. Be a safe person for her. Stay positive and encouraging!
-Don’t pressure her. You may know what you would do if you were in her shoes, but she is the one who needs to decide. She has choices to make, and she needs to know you’ll be with her no matter what.
- Don't cut her off. Most women and girls in an unplanned pregnancy already feel alone. Make sure she knows you’ll stay with her—and listening to her—no matter what.

Have more questions?

Need more help? Please reach out to us with any questions. We’re here for you.

We do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.